Friday, July 3, 2009

15 Weeks today!

So, this past Tuesday, David and I had another prenatal appointment. We heard the heartbeat again, and while we were listening we heard a very loud noise - the doctor said that was the baby moving! It's fun to know the baby's moving even if I can't feel it yet. More good news, we get to find out at our next appointment if the baby is a girl or a boy! July 22 - less than 3 weeks away! I don't have a feeling one way or the other. A lot of people have their guesses though :) A few weeks ago, just for fun, I took an "Intelligender" test that I bought from Walgreens. It's supposed to be 80% accurate - it predicted a boy! We're not taking it too seriously, but it was fun just to try!

So, my friends at work are really excited about the baby! They weren't too excited about the results of the "Intelligender" test - they are all hoping for a girl :) I know they will be supportive either way! They are so great - this is what they did to my computer one day before I got to work!

So, I'm getting bigger every day! Especially this last week - a couple of people at work have actually guessed I was pregnant without knowing! So, here is a picture at 12 weeks...

And this is the belly bump at 15 weeks!

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