Tuesday, February 9, 2010

William is 2 Months old!

Okay...so he was actually 2 months old on Feb 6th, but he had his 2 month appointment with the pediatrician today. And the numbers are in...

Weight: 10 lbs, 8 1/2 oz. (30%)
Length: 23 inches (50%)
Head: 14 3/4 inches (10%)

The doctor said his growth was great. Everything else was good too - his head is a pretty shape, his color is good, etc. He was actually doing really great, but then it was time for the shots :( He didn't do too bad. He really liked the oral vaccine, but that was short lived because she then gave him 3 shots, two in the right leg, one in the left. He cried, but not for long. I fed him afterwards, and he calmed down. It is kinda funny to see the kiddie band aids on his legs - they look so big on his little legs! Also just wanted to say, David did a good job keeping it together - no crying or passing out!

This past week, William has started sleeping through the night!!! Well, from about 11pm to 5am. Definitely better than 12am, 2am, 4am, 6am, and so on... They said this was great - some babies don't start sleeping through the night until 4 months! He's also started smiling and laughing a lot more - so cute!

So, at 2 months William...

mommy's singing
his bubble gum flavored reflux medicine
daddy's voice
riding in the car/being in the car seat
and of course, eating

Layla "tap dancing" on the wood floors
getting his diaper changed
changing clothes
taking baths
or anything else that requires him to be naked

is not sure about:
daddy's singing
(It's actually really funny. He will smile, and then frown, poking his bottom lip out as far as it will go)
his passie
(Most of the time he takes it fine. Other times he acts like I put a lemon in his mouth)

Also, at 2 months, he still gets the hiccups...a lot!

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