Monday, October 17, 2011

33 Weeks - 3D ultrasound

At 33 weeks, David, William and I got to see Baby Elliott through 3d ultrasound!  It is amazing how clear the pictures are - and it was a lot of fun to try to see who he looks like the most!  Elliott was really great during the ultrasound.  He was moving a lot!  Even the technician said she couldn't believe how much he was moving - she could see my stomach moving out of the corner of her eye.  He did have his hands around his face a lot, but not so bad that we couldn't get good pictures.  We got to see him smile and yawn!  The technician also took his measurements, and turns out he was measuring 2 weeks ahead!  She said he is already over 5 1/4 pounds.  William was also measuring 2 weeks ahead when we had his 3d ultrasound.  So, we're waiting to see if he'll be early like William, or just a big baby :)

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