Sunday, September 4, 2011

30 weeks!

Believe it or not, I'm 30 weeks today!  Only 10 weeks left.  Wow, I have a lot to do before this baby comes!  

Well, before we went to the beach, I had my glucose test, and found out the next day that I failed :(  Everything else seemed to great.  The heartbeat was fine, and the baby is moving a lot!  For some reason I was much more nervous about the second test this time than I was with the last pregnancy.  So, Tuesday I did the 3 hour test, and I passed.  Whew!  I did not want to go on a diet! 

I also got scolded by the nurse because I pulled a stomach muscle going down the water slide with William.  I know, I rides, but it was the kiddie slide!  I rode 2 of the slides twice each without any problem, but apparently the 3rd slide was the "big one," and in the last turn, it pulled me back, and in my attempt to stay up and hold on to William, I must of pulled something.  Anyway, after a few days of pain, everything seems to be fine now.

Now for some good news...we decided on a name!  Our new little guy is going to be...

Elliott Andrew!

We are getting excited!  I can't believe we are going to have another baby soon! 


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